In early 2023 we began to sense the Lord’s timing on the call for us and our 4 amazing children to do something wild. Pioneer a church.
Connor and I have always sensed that one day we would plant a church but never had a specific place in mind. After 7 incredible years of serving at Pure Heart Church in Glendale, Arizona, our pastor Dan Steffen confirmed the timing that was in our hearts to plant the church that God spoke to us about years and years ago.
Our hearts and eyes are set on central Phoenix where we have lived since 2017. Since 2020 the city has changed dramatically! Over 10,000 people have moved into a mile and half radius and over 10,000 more will move here by 2026 as central Phoenix expands upwards. Many of the people who have moved into the neighborhood are young professionals and young families. This community is full of entrepreneurs and pioneers.
While there are many great churches in the valley, many of the churches in this area are not gospel preaching or Bible believing churches. There is a tremendous need for a new church in the heart of the city.
Our dream is to launch a life-giving, Bible believing, spirit empowered, innovative community called Valley Church in central Phoenix in the fall of 2024. May the people of Phoenix, Arizona find God in the valley!
Pastor Chris and Connor Moore